Are there effective Front Running Betting Systems?
There are plenty of betting systems.
Some work, some don’t, some draw level. However, there is a system that works very well for some horse racing tipsters. I can’t say I’ve ever used such a system as it could be considered unethical. Although, I do think it is a similar approach which we see in traders on Betfair. It’s kind of following the money. If you following the money, by betting money on it too, you are pretty much guaranteed to make a profit. The only person who gets their fingers burned are those who get in too late and the money dries up. In essence, everyone is a winner apart from those who get caught short and just too slow (It’s there own fault, hey.)
It’s a similar story for other successful racing tipsters. They have such a massive following (because they have been very successful) that just about any horse he tips will be backed, often substantially so. If Eddy (we will call him) was good enough to send the tip to you first you would be sure to make money. You could lay your stake for a free bet or lay the complete bet to a profit. For example, if you bet £100 on a 10/1 shot and it was backed to 5/1 you could lay off to make £50. Not a bad bet if you could get 50% profit on your bets especially if you could do that throughout the year. The beauty of this approach is that it doesn’t matter if the horse won or lost.
I don’t know if there are many tipping services that work with such a method but I guess there are. It is a very good way to make money.
The front running betting system is one such formula. Where you build a reputation, a giant following, and then bet on your horse whether big or short odds and ten minutes later release the information (the tip) to the first batch of subscribers. If you have wave after wave of information sent to your subscribers you could almost guarantee that the majority would be winning too by betting and laying for a profit. It’s the power of the subscribers. If you could attract plenty of new subscribers to follow your tips but keep them in the last release of the tip you can be sure that the other tiers will be making money. Just think if you could achieve this system. How much money would a subscriber be willing to pay for that advantage? It would be completely unethical but you can see how it could work. The beauty of selling racing tips where most of the punters/subscribers win even if the horse loses. It could finish stone last and you’d see punters with a smile on their face.
I’m pretty sure on the betting exchanges this is one of the trading methods and the reason why you see horses backed or drifting to the exception of all others.
I say it’s like a pyramid scheme. Keep fanning the flames and as long as you aren’t the last one betting you may make a profit. Just tell the next punter: ‘Keep betting money on this horse and we will all be winners. It’s as simple as that.’
There must be many approaches which rely on punters following suit. There is a power in numbers and it can be used to manipulate the market. It is an interesting thought. I’ve never been involved in anything like this because if orchestrated in such a manner it would be unethical if no bordering on fraud. However, if most are making money then no one is going to question it. They justify their actions.
In this case front running betting is about betting first and telling your followers to bet second or thereafter.
It’s an unethical money spinner but a feature of many market.
Only for those sitting at the head of the table are guaranteed a profit.
Who cares about the others (they say) it’s market forces.