When gambling doesn’t pay, why?
Who doesn’t want to make their gambling pay. It should be the aim of all gamblers, but is not. Most accept that gambling is a hobby or pastime. It may well be a costly endeavour where you just lose cash hand over fist. Have you ever questioned this acceptance? Have you assessed your horse racing selections over the last year and figured you’re halfway to losing your shirt? You need to think which changes will have a positive impact on your future goals of making your betting pay.
These 5 points will help focus the mind.
1) Stick To Skill Based Sports
What is your passion? The sport you not only love but know better than all your mates. It must be skill based, nothing to do with fixed odds such as casino games. It may be horse racing, football, greyhound – whatever. You need to live and breath your sport. You use analysis, dig up information which is unique to you. It’s surprising how often gamblers simply fool themselves they are working at a higher level when they aren’t. If you are doing what everyone else does, then you need to start again and dig a little deeper.
2) Know Your Niche
You simply cannot do everything. When I hear someone saying they bet on this, that and the other sport I’m thinking: ‘You know next to nothing!’ It sounds harsh but logically it is true. Why do you need to know everything? You need to know something well. That is the answer to the question. If you make your betting pay betting on football, horse racing, greyhounds, then stick with the one you know best. You need to focus. You need to have a niche. If you think doing a bit of everything is the answer to the question, you are simply wrong.
3) You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
It’s a quote you often here on the internet. I’m not keen on all these buzz words but in essence it’s true. Sometimes it simply pays to learn from others to help push you forward via their knowledge and experience. If not, you will need to stumble and fall at every problem. That learning curve is no bad thing, because, to some extent, you need to understand the problem and the resolution. The only downside with doing everything yourself is that it takes time, costs you money and may ultimately get to you so much you simply give up. It’s a fair comment that you should stop gambling if you keep losing money. Knowledge is paid for by cash and time.
4) Feeling Overwhelmed
If you try to learn everything fast, you are likely to feel overwhelmed. It’s hardly surprising. You need to break things down into manageable chunks. It’s a journey. You need to enjoy your niche because you have to take the long road unless you can take the quick route with help. I can’t get away from the fact how much you have to learn. There is no get quick rich scheme. The same with knowledge. There is no quick fix to learning that prized knowledge. You need to understand what you do with the knowledge. It isn’t as simple as learning the a,b,c. Don’t imagine you will be able to learn everything in a flash. A degree takes at least three years to learn for a reason. It’s the same with your chosen subject.
5) Skill Comes Before Money
I remember a couple of my school friends back in the day. They had the bright idea of thinking if they bet enough money betting odds on shot over the National Hunt they would be living the life of Riley. It would be an easy road to riches. Within in a year, they had lost their money and got a ‘normal’ job. Winning money at gambling isn’t about the cash. You cannot bet your way to riches without one crucial aspect.
Skill comes before money. If you don’t get that fact into your mind, you will be betting and hoping rather than betting and winning. It’s a mistake so many punters make. You don’t need to be the best in the world, just better than most. If your betting doesn’t pay when betting small money then how can you win betting more? You need to make a complex amount of information simple. It needs to be replicable so you can measure your improvement. You need to appreciate you are on a journey of both learning and improvement. It takes time, passion & focus.